Accounting Podcast Advertising

Place ads in our growing catalog of accounting and tax podcasts

Starting at $500

Do you want to buy an ad for a show we already produce? Maybe multiple ads across different shows? We offer single ads and packages for our existing and growing catalog of shows.

Our Shows

Advertising Options

<aside> 🤔 Why Advertise in Podcasts?

Ad Type Description
Primary Sponsor One 30-second pre-roll PLUS one 90-second mid-roll
Secondary Sponsor One 60-second mid-roll advertisement
Exclusive Sponsorship Get BOTH of the above (3 total ads) on one episode as the only sponsor


Show Exclusive Primary Secondary
Oh My Fraud $3,000 $2,000 $1,000
Earmark Accounting Podcast $1,500 $1,000 $500
Sons of CPAs $750 $500 $250

*Pricing subject to change at any time

Sponsored Earmark Podcast Interview

Sponsor a single episode of the Earmark Accounting Podcast featuring your chosen guest

$5,000 per episode

Support Earmark by sponsoring a single interview-style episode of the Earmark Accounting Podcast.

You also get an Exclusive Sponsorship advertising package (30 pre-roll, 90-second mid-roll, and 60-second mid-roll).

We’ll convert the episode into a CPE course on Earmark CPE.

<aside> 🤔 Why Sponsor Earmark Podcast?

Learn more about sponsored interviews: Earmark Podcast Sponsored Interview

Create Your Own Branded Podcast

Starting at $50,000

Earmark Media offers full-service podcast production. We handle everything, from high-quality recording to editing, post-production, and promotion. We can even help you find the perfect host for your show.


Creating a new podcast is a significant commitment and requires a minimum of 6 episodes.

<aside> 🤔 Why Produce Your Own Podcast?

Finding a host

Have trouble finding a host? Earmark will help find the perfect host for your show - someone who fits your brand and brings a vision to the project.

Show development

Do you want to start a podcast but are not exactly sure what it should be about? No problem.

Earmark can help develop the perfect show for your company. We will narrow your topics and target audience to create a show concept that helps you reach the right audience and achieve your goals


Video content is consumed at an unprecedented rate with no signs of slowing down. Earmark will create video clips with graphics and branding from each episode for promotion across social media.